Indigenous Recognition
Systems thinking and regenerative, symbiotic living with nature have been practiced for millennea by Indigenous people across the world. Indigenous Knowledge Systems should be at the heart of how Australia responds to the climate emergency.
First Nations sovereignty is the first step for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to heal, share knowledge systems and cocreate a future where the environment survives this climate emergency.
I acknowledge the significant ongoing connection that First Nations Peoples of Australia, the Torres Strait Islands and the world have with with the land, sea and sky, as well as the innate connection to the Earth which all living beings possess.
I also acknowledge the critical non-human species and elemnents on Earth, without which humans would not have evolved.
As the Earthkeepers of the unceded lands upon which we live, I pay respect to generations of Elders across time by learning & communicating the history of the places I live, work and travel in. As an aspiring custodian, I also do this by listening to history and voice of the land.
To learn more about Indigenous matters in Australia, this is a great place to start:
Australia is the only Commonwealth nation that does not yet have
a treaty with its Indigenous people.